Sunday, August 10, 2008



by panggung ARTS in association with Drama Box

  Four friends sip coffee and exchange tales. One of them brushes her arched, feathered wings, while another steadily contemplates the instrument in his hands. The other two debate incessantly about human rights and wrongs and the appraisal system they try so hard to uphold.

  Suddenly, the winged musician rises and declares he is taking the initiative to blow his horn, which will usher in the Day of Judgment. While the pair of moral auditors bicker, their client sinks deeper into a coma.

  They share more tales and drink more coffee…the perfect recipe for a good get-together, or even Armageddon.

  After their successful collaboration on Trick or Threat in 2007, directors Kok Heng Leun (Drift, A Stranger At Home) and Aidli ‘Alin’ Mosbit (Ma’ma Yong-About Nothing Much To Do, Impenjarament) expand on their engaging intercultural dialogue with a work that asks questions about faith, conscience and the afterlife—in a variety of languages.

  Angel-ism presents a rare pairing of two of the most exciting Malay-language and Chinese-language theatre companies in Singapore today.

  “I felt a powerful sense of something live and organic being created, something that was unpredictable and, therefore, exhilarating, almost dangerous… aiming to illustrate the complexity and insolubility…of the race situation in Singapore.” The Flying Inkpot, on ‘Trick or Threat’

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